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Information for Adopters

You are considering to adopt a cat! 
Thanks for considering adoption over buying!
Cats are a long-term commitment and can live for up to 20 years. Do your research before adopting.
We have listed some important points below, for more detailed information please read the “Information for Adopters” document!

Cat License Registration Guide

All pet cats must be registered with AVS. Please read the “How To Register Your Cat’s License” document.

Cat Safety

Your house needs to be cat-safe fence/mesh windows/balconies/doors prior to adoption!
Microchip your cat during sterilization and register the chip with AVS


Prepare the basics before your cat’s arrival: Food, bowls, litter boxes, litter, scratching tools and sleeping furniture are essential. We can help with recommendations. 
Prepare ONE room as base camp for your kitten(s)/cat.


Provide enough space, including vertical space like cat trees, shelves and high scratch posts. 

Buy good quality toys and feeding bowls (ceramic or stainless steel).
Prepare enough open litter boxes: # of cats + 1 is the recommendation. Help kitty to adjust by getting the same food & litter as the fosterer used.

Other Cats and Children

If you already have another existing cat: be aware that it rarely works to just “throw them in” together. There are some steps to introduce cats to each other! Find out more:

If you have children: teach them how to gently interact with the cat and learn appropriate play techniques.

Two are better than one

All our kittens need to be adopted in pairs or into a household with an existing cat (or dog). If you already have a cat, we are happy to give you advice how to integrate the new arrival. Should you wish to adopt only a single cat (maybe due to your apartment size or cost, we will find you a great older kitten (6 months+) or adult cat that is used to living alone.


Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of your cat’s health. They are obligate carnivores, meaning that they rely on nutrients found only in prey animals. 
We recommend raw and freeze dried foods, supplemented with high quality wet food. Kibble should not be their main diet and never be freely available all day.

As their nutritional requirements are complex, it is essential to give them a complete and balanced diet. Our fosterer can advise on recommended food.

NOTE: As a start, please use the same brand as the foster to minimize the change your cat/kitten has to go through upon adoption.

General treatment

Cats often have very different personalities. 

– never force a cat to be held or petted

– never strike a cat or punish it (hitting/yelling) for ‘bad’ behaviour (scratching, meowing).

Cats need to scratch – and if plenty of scratch posts and boards around they should avoid your furniture. Nail clipping also helps to avoid bad accidental scratches.

Vet and health care

It is crucial to see a vet if your cat is sick as well as for continuing vaccinations, bringing them for their sterilization & microchipping by 5-6 months, yearly check-ups or emergency care etc. You will receive a health record from your kitten’s/cat’s fosterer, please go through any treatment they have received and what follow ups may be required.

Holidays and Moving

Cats are territorial animals and do not like change. When you travel, the ideal solution is getting a pet or house sitter who can take care of your cats in your home. Check out PawShake or Trustedhousesitters

When adopting your cats, do consider any future move and associated costs!

Adoption fee/donation

On average, fostering a kitten costs 200 – 350 SGD for food, litter, toys, vet checks, vaccination, deworming, vet treatments, possibly sterilization etc, if you can spare more to help us we’d be forever grateful! This also helps us with taking care of over 700 streetcats and providing food, vet care and TNR (trap neuter return) to improve the situation for stays in Singapore!